A Passion For Eyewear

Blue Light Blocking Glasses: How they Improve your Sleep
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Blue Light Blocking Glasses: How they Improve your Sleep

Blue Light Blocking Glasses: How they Improve your Sleep

Sleep is a beautiful thing, wouldn’t you agree?

In terms of our physical and mental health, it has many benefits that we need to live a healthy daily life. However, as our lives get increasingly busy, we tend to find ourselves spending long evenings working in the office or studying away in the library. Nowadays, our sleep is always the first to go when we have more pressing life matters at hand. Now, with the surge of technological advancements, our bodies are absorbing large amounts of blue light. Unfortunately, these habits can affect our sleep patterns in a very harmful way.

What is blue light?

When we spend long evening hours looking at our cell phones, tablets or computer screens, our bodies are absorbing large amounts of what is called “blue light”. Blue light is the bright, artificial light that is produced by LED screens, which are now included in most of our modern day technological devices. Although it increases our attention spans during the day, blue light absorbed during evening hours can actually have a very negative effect on our body’s natural clock, aka our “circadian rhythm”.

When it gets dark outside at the end of the day, our brain begins to produce a natural chemical called melatonin which signals to our body that it is time to go to sleep. However, studies have shown that the short light wavelength that LED screens emit actually inhibit the natural production of melatonin, which is why we may experience insomnia-like symptoms after working late nights.

blue light

GOOD blue light vs. BAD blue light

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Well, I want to keep working during the evening, and so am I doomed to go on living this sleepless life forever?” Well, I am happy to let you know that there is a solution for all you workaholics out there!

Glasses that block blue light

In fact, there is an easy and also stylish way to combat these nasty blue LED lights. They are called blue blocking glasses and they are a great natural sleep aid for people who are suffering from sleep deprivation or have sleeping trouble after working at night. An idea that originally came from NASA, the amber lenses are specifically designed to block blue LED light and harmful UV rays that are disrupting our natural melatonin intake. Basically, the amber lenses work by filtering out the blue light portion from the visible colour spectrum when you’re using your devices at night. Therefore, all you have to do is wear them while you’re working at night, and you will soon find yourself in dreamland bliss! Not to mention, you can always wear these glasses during the day as well for continued protection.

In fact, Gunnar produces glasses that are suited for both blue light blocking and UV protection. You can check out all the Gunnar glasses at the SmartBuyGlasses website.

One Comment

  • Maggie Allen says:

    Wow, I had no idea that amber lenses could do so much to help you sleep later at night! Before going to bed, I tend to browse the Internet on my phone. However, when I do that, my eyes hurt pretty badly in the morning. Maybe I’ll get a pair of glasses with amber lenses and leave them on my nightstand.

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